Monday, September 9, 2019

Important Common Acronyms For Cyber Security

Common Acronym For Cyber security Security Everyone Wants To Know

We are going to see about the below Acronym used in security terms
  1. DLP
  2. DC/BC
  3. IPS/IDS
  4. TLS/SSL
  6. SSH
  7. TCP/IP
  8. Dos/DDos
  9. PII/NPI
  10. Information Technology 
  • DLP is a data loss prevention is software used to secure data
  • Typically a software that tries to prevent sensitive or proprietary information from leaving an organization 
Example for DLP is email send from the organization to outside user or vendor or client.

  • DR is a disaster recovery and BC is a business continuity 
  • Business continuity is more modern and robust way of dealing with disaster recovery 
  • Instead of how a company deals with a disaster situation so businesses continuity focus on broader approach. 
  • DR is a mandatory solution for every organisation if one location data centre fails or due to natural disaster one location got affected. The secondary data centre will provide redundancy and maintains without business loss.  Businesses continuity also not affected. 
  • Each organisation frequently check the primary and secondary link each quarter of the year for safety purpose. 

  • IPS is Intrusion Prevention System and IDS is Intrusion detection system 
  • Both IPS and IDS is comprises of hardware and software which is used to filter malicious traffic using IPS and which will have a pattern to block the traffic which intended to attack it should match the payload. 
  • IDS is  used to detect the malicious traffic based on existing pattern which are collected from history 

  • TLS is a transport layer security and SSL is a secure socket layer. 
  • TLS/SSL uses socket layer with an encrypted communication channels
  • TLS and SSL are often used interchangeably, although TLS is the successor of the less secure and dated SSL. 

  • HTTP is a hyper text transfer protocol and HTML is hyper text markup language. 
  • HTTP  uses port 80 and HTTPS uses port 443,this protocol used for server and browser communication
  • HTML is code used for Web pages modification and designing. 

  • SSH is a secure shell which is used to connect any computer and network from the remote. 
  • The SSH uses port  22 for communication.
  • SSH uses encrypted password which supports version 2.

  • Transmission control protocol which works on both the ways with connection oriented and connection less.
  • Which supports on layer 4 and connection oriented uses different ports for separate connections. Each data will be send in a sequence order ex FTP,LDAP,SSH, HTTPS etc
  • Connection less each data will be send without order as a random packets it will reach destination Eg RTP, video.

  • DOS is a denial of service and DDOS is a distributed denial of service
  • Denial of service attack (DOS) is one of the type that cause a system or multiple system unavailable or unable to understand the legitimate request and making the system to unable to handle and it got stuck and become inactive. 
  • Distributed denial of service, attacker will organise bots and groups which are distributed and at the same time everyone attack a same target. These types of attacks are mostly targeted only ISP.

  • PII is a personally identifiable information and NPI is non public information 
  • PII information is like SSN and phone numbers and credit card, salary information. 
  • NPI is like company information and military information, employee information comes under non public information. 

Information Technology:

Information technology is the main source for network operations and monitoring each activity comes under IT infrastructure services. 

Be aware of threats!!!!

Hill Station view:

1 comment:

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