Friday, September 27, 2019

Open vs Secure Wireless Network

WEP:Wired Encryption Privacy
  • WEP is a wired encryption privacy is a algorithm used in wireless standard IEEE802.11 to secure the WiFi connection it was introduced in 1997.
  • WEP was cracked and available publicly in 2001, which was cracked  the attacker and  eavsdropping methodologies attacker crab the information of user. WEP uses CRC used for key exchange. CRC is a cyclic redundancy check.
  • In 2005 FBI demonstrated in public, how an WEP can be cracked in 3 minutes.cyber security is important. 

WPA:Wireless Protected Access
  • WPA is a wireless protected access is a secure algorithm used by WPA. WPA Introduced on 2004 and which uses TKIP. 
  • TKIP is a Temporal Key Integral protocol used by WPA used to confirm the integrity of messages which send through wireless access.
  • WPA (TKIP) can be cracked in 7 minutes. Lot of tools available to crack WPA password.
  • Both WEP and WPA uses bad encryption standard. Encryption standard are concentrated by NIST cyber security. 

WPA2:Wireless Protected Access 2
  • Wireless Protected Access 2 is a standard used by WiFi standard IEEE802.11i. Which is introduced to enhance the security to overcome issues in WPA. WPA is uses CCMP.
  • Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) ensures message is properly encrypted. WPA2 uses advanced encryption standard(AES) to increase the security.
  • WPA2 is vulnerable with weak password so we need use Complex passwords and good encryption standard as recommended by cyber security. 

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